Lament watched. " Whatever is goin on it's comming from that girl." She mumbled and started heading towards Jessica.
" So you can see how long I'm going to live?"
Lament looked at Thorn then at Jesica. " what's going on?" She whispered.
" What thing over my head?" Bella asked looking up, but she didn't see anything. " And what do you mean I can't go to heaven or hell. Where do I go?"
" So why do you have to stay with me untill I die or untill I don't have the death note anymore?" Bella asked.
Lament wathed his feet.
" My name is Isabella, but everyone calls me Bella." She said turning away from the computer to face him.
" So." Lament said. Even if he did melt the ice she had ther spells that could defeat him.
" It's a computer." Bella said, still chuckling.
Lament used an ice spell to freeze his feet to the ground.
Lament dodged the fire spell.
Bella chuckled. " Magic box?"
OOC: kk i havn't really been keeping up with it very much, oops :)
Lament was fighting off TLO's when she noticed everyone fighting eachother, and how slashed up Ren looked. She also noticed that the person he was fighting was the same guy who she had fought before. ( Erif) Lament used a fire spell and sent it at Erif.
" Your right but I don't know where he is." Lament said.
Bella stood up and went over to the computer. " I'm going to research some criminals." She said typing really fast.
" REN!!" Lament yelled when she spotted him. " Ren quick we've got to move. They're going to attack the Earth City." She said out of breath.
" No pressure." Bella said laying back on the bed.
Lament ran into the city.
" So you think I should just kill criminals?" Bella asked.