Alexa walked around the city looking around. OOC: wow it seems like forever since I posted one here.
" Cool, that's what I'll use the Death note for." Bella said happy that she had a purpose for it now.
She walked along untill their voices slowly faded. Once she couldn't hear them anymore she sat down under a tree, pulling her knees up to her chin and just stared at the other trees in front of her.
" Oh, so I could be like Kira and get rid of all of the criminals?"
Lament listen to them as she walked silently.
Lament noticed Thorn a little ways off. She could see that he was in pain, but she really didn't feel like talking with anyone, so she slipped behind a tree and tried to make her way around him.
Bella shook her head slowly with a confused look on her face.
Lament headed to the forest, silently.
Lament looked back. The sight of it made her gasp and forget to exhale. She felt like crying. Her home was gone. Everything. Gone. She finaly exhaled as tears ran down her cheeks.
" This all seems like a crazy dream." Bella said standing up.
Lament kept running, she wasn't sure if she or Jade or Kain would be able to make it in time.
Lament nodded. " Lets go!!" She said as she started running. " I can't beileve this is it, all of those people are going to die."
" Please work, please." Lament whispered.
Bella looked up at him from the ground and nodded, she was getting soaked.
" C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!!!" Lament yelled sending the water at the fireball.
Lament also used a water spell and sent it at the fireball. She made it bigger and bigger trying to help Kain and Jade.
" Jade can you use water spells?" Lament asked.
Lament didn't know what to do to stop him, she just knew that she had to, somehow.
Lament's eyes widened. " He's gonna blow up the city!?! But my home, all those people! We have to stop him, NOW!!"
Bella just layed there. " Well at least it can't get any wor....." Just then thunder roared and lighting striked and it started raining. OOC: Sorry I just had to