OOC: kk that's fine
Bella soon fell asleep ontop of the bed.
Bella chuckled and flopped back onto her bed. She suddenly felt really tired as she stared up at the ceiling.
Bella chuckled when she got back to her room. " Why did you do that? It was so random." OOC: Sorry I'm posting so slow
" What are you doing!?!" Bella asked in a loud whisper. She had gotten up to see where he went off to when she saw him making faces.
Bella walked into her room. And sat down on the bed.
" Oh right." Bella said as she walked down the street. Once she got home she slipped inside without her mother even noticing. Did she even know that she had left?
" Alright then what?"
" Oh." She said pretending to take no interest. But actually about a million more questions were running through her head.
The part about the shinigami getting the humans remaining life span striked her interest. " So how old are you?" She asked not looking at him, but strait ahead.
" How come?" Bella asked as she started walking.
" Ok then." Bella said a little creeped out. She handed him an apple.
Bella laughed as she walked down to the store and got some apples. " Why do you like apples so much?" She asked.
" Sure I'll go to the store and get some. It will give me an excuse for leaving the house at this time of night. Though it's not a very good excuse, ' I went to go get some apples at 9:00 at night'." She said.
Bella shrugged and started to walk away. " If you say so."
Lament nodded her head. Why are they all here? And how did they survive?
Bella's eyes narrowed suspicously. She had totaly forgotten about the rain that was soking her body. OOC: kk
" What do you mean by that?"
" There were survivors?" " And who might you be?" Lament asked Rahjaha.
Lament hadn't heard Blade comming so when she saw him out of the corner of her eye, she jumped up in surprise. " Oh it's just you." She said letting out the breath that she had been holding. " Who are they?" She asked refering to the people behind him.