yep! soooo fun! COOKIES FOR ALL! *shoots cookies from giant cannon*
thought they'd never confirm Yoshi... *crosses fingers for Captain Falcon*
*in corner, whimpering* 21542
*plays air guitar*
RAWR! *choke'd by leash* *sits in corner like a good doggie* *whimper* 21539
I haven't said this in a while but... I agree... I would have shot them too.
yep, way to keep it secret... but anyways, it's perfectly normal...
??? (fillerz) I'll take that as an okay...
hey, how're you feeling?
*dances*meh... i guess I'll take over the hugs and cookies stuff while CtR is gone *hugs and cookies for all*
Hi Oathy! I have to stop doing stuff out of love...
Watching Bleach, Eating insta-noodles and replying...
:bounce::roll::bounce::roll::bounce: All your cookies are belonging to me hiya family!
Peppy: it's quiet... too quiet.. Peppy: LOOK OUT FOX! IT'S A TRAP! Fox: your mom's a trap Peppy: quit foolin' around fox! Falco: Your mom's fooling around! Peppy: Hey! Slippy: Your mom! Slippy: hey! what's the big idea?! Krystal: you're all just plain immature *flies away* 21530
bye family! g'night!
last one? i heard many things about it... (everyone went crazy for the last book...)
You're all lucky you weren't in her bad closet... instead you were in a cage *still waiting for god to smite them* 21421
ouch... *still waiting for God to smite them* 21417
You might want to obey her... she can smite you... she is god of Bouncism or... GOD! (Not CtR) SMITE THEM! *waiting* he's a cooking a something up!
hope it goes well... *cookies for LtG*