hi family... ARGH!
*grabs magic banning stick* Oh you are so banned!
did I... just get Rick Rolled?! *twitch* *eyes turn red*
i know... it's just... why not change it back to Xaldin... I'm beginning to think you like this...
great... now he's in a DBZ name phase...
*eats Rax* needs some salt...
you hungry for HOT POCKET! (I made a random spam thread... this is probably going to be my only one) meh, now i feel like microwave pizza...
wait... Rax tastes like brussel sprouts? frozen or fresh? 22414
*revives CtR*
this Halo craze is annoying...
wow... just... wow...
Now i want ToS... and TotA... nice playing Xaldin
my brother made the list... he has no sense of copyrights editing...
wow... 11 things wrong look at first post
When i point out everything wrong with this video... I need to get out more... 1. The BGM should have a more FF feeling tune 2. the battle music should be more FF ish 3. Cloud's victory is different, two little punches upwards! 4. there were no titles like: Customer 1, customer 2 or customer 3... the random people didn't have names... 5. Her name is officially Aerith! Got it memorized? 6. The Lakers do not exist in the world they live in! (Gaia) 7. there is no special attack option... and it's a LIMIT BREAK 8. there is a short blurry spinny sequence before a battle 9. the name of your enemy never appears with your party member,s names 10. Ultimate weapon was some kind of dragon... not a meteor... 11. and it was ULTIMA weapon... not Ultimate... sheesh... wow... i feel really nerdy...
NEVER!!! you can't make me! I'm the god of Rollism! i can do whatever the hell i want, so- *rock crushes me* owie
you never cease to amuse me Xaldin... they really should turn your life into a Manga... like someone else said (don't remember who)
- In America! - Screw the rules, i have money! - As if!
just for sh*ts and giggles... well excuuuse me princess!
I'm so bored I'm actually getting along with my brother...