Oooohh, sounds fun! ^^
So what's are we all up to today? Bye, khchick *waves*
So, did you guys like meh sissy-dearest? XD
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk =]
I'm so confused... guy in the pink sup dawg...this is why I don't have one of these.. things! ahhhhhhhh *runs far away from town* *hides in a box in a corner* ahhhhhhh *yells I'm emo*
Hiiiiii....No Emo.. Yes Gangsta
hiiiiiiii I'm macie's sister! I figured I'd be nice & say helllllooooo=]
I'm good, thank you ^^ *falls out of chair*
How ish thee, Moodkip Poncho?
That's good ^^ . . . Uh-ohez, Vinniecent is angray!! Hey again, Poncho!
Randomness... Pure, utter, randomness >.> Mmhm, he is! *shoves Itachi in padded room* We dun do that around here. If I hug you, will you stop? Hehe, so how are you, HisNobody?
Mehhh too xP I'd rather avoid that.
Vinniecent, you never told me you had an emo brother!! I never knew I had one. Now you do! You should be happy. I'm overjoyed, can't you tell?
That's a good point ^^ Who wants to know? Just give a straight answer >.<;
Hmm... Hmm... Nahhh, I'd rather not. *shoots Nomura*
Anytime there, pal! <.> >.< <.< >.> Now I'm bored
Yeeppp, 'cause I'm cool like that. *pokehs Teh Moodkip Poncho* I haven't done that for a day ^^
Ehhh, what's everyone up to?
*falls out of chair* Well, this vampire has to get off of here. You all sleep well when you get that way! *waves and ninja poofs*
*waves* Bye byez, rachel!!