Uhm... *revives iP?* Dying isn't fun >.> I was wondering where my Shoe Buddy went.
I agree, I liked this one a lot =]
Just so I'm not entirely spamming, that's my dog Zelda. -iP- Yeah. I dunno if this will still make you feel better, but I'm still growing >.>
Ooh, I got one!! 'o' ?
-SilentNocturne- Oh, sure! =] -iP- I'm only 5'5" if that makes you feel any better.
Dun think I wanna play that kind of hangman, iP. But I'll switch you places ^^
Hey there! I hope you have fun while you're here. Pretty much everyone is cool around here. But it sounds like you could get along with some of us ^^
That's a pretty good picture too!! I think that was how tall I was last year >.>
*pats iP* I'm sorry to hear that. That's pretty cool, though, SilentNocturne. I always get mistaken for other people than myself on the phone. But Alice, that Kill Bill costume is great!
O.o Nope, not even gonna go there...
You are 12, SilentNocturne? Wow! I kinda thought you were at 15 at the least ^^;;
Thanks for that... -khchick- Vinniecent likes hugs ^^ Demyx is at the beach <.> Then Buchou is at the tennis courts... Vinnie just sticks around 'cause he's under contract :D -Shoe Buddy- I know, I do too =[
-khchick- Thankzeez!! ^^ *points at Vinnicent* HE DOES!! Not... ...Want to miss the oppurtunity of being hugged by khchick!!
Uhmmm... This will sound really stupid, but what about Oprah? 'Cause Jazz is a type of music, and Opera is too, and Oprah is close to Opera, so... Yeah, nevermind ._.;;
My favorites are any Tim Burton movie, really.
-khchick- Thankee!! *hugs back* That's good ^^ But I'm okay, thanks! -Shoe Buddy- Hi! XD I miss joo too!! I'm okay, thank you ^^ And that is goood. Let's make khchick a nickyname!!
That's a good picture, SilentNocturne. You're very pretty ^^
*ninja poofs* CURSES!! I WAS SEEN~! So much for being a ninja... Shut it... Anywayz, how ish joo all?
Oh, man XD Mine is too, don't worry
Yeah, 'cause that would just have been down-right stupid to have you there when we were planning this party ;D