Oh, of course I have!! -DP- Happy Birthday again for the third time!! ^^;; Sooo, are you having a gooood birthday?
-khchick- Well, if you say so! Thanks, too =] -Shoe Buddy- *falls out of chair* Ya think so, huh? *turns around* O.O *turns back around*
-khchick- Thanks! ^^ Well that would be entirely up to you! I dun really wanna ruin anything you all made together. And for some odd reason, I have stars following me >.>
Ohhh, I see!!! *nods idiotically so much neck almost snaps* O.o And that's some good logic, khchick =D
Awe, thankee!! I meeseded you all too ^^ It's okay, it's just it was something stupid that had happened, but it was kind of funny and frustrating at the same time =] Ooh, who ish teh insane sisters? I wanna be introduced!!
Hehe, I was pokehing fun at him, but I'm glad you meesed meh :D I feel happy! I could get used to that XD Bahh, it's kinda stupid, really <.>
Awez, did meh Shoe Buddy miss meh? *falls out of chair* I had to go to Wal-Mart >.> Not a good experience...
Hehe, hey Alex ^^ *raises hand* I'm trying to think of ones for everyone, since the one I suggested for khchick was ******ed >.>
So, if Shoe Buddy was right too, Poncho should be getting on at any moment...
*hugs uber tight* I'm so sorry to hear that, I really am. I wish I could say I knew how you feel, but unfortunately, I don't. But I'll pray for you :(
-khchick- Hmmm.. Not a bad idea... -iP- *cries and claps* That was a beautiful song!! T.T
Sorry, Darkandroid! *bows* *smacks iP on back of head* You aren't ugly. Not to sound weird or anything, but you have pretty colored eyes. So nice picture!
Okay, I'm just going to back away sloooowly...
-khchick- I've never played it ^^;; But she asked me what it was. She thought it was something completely different. XD >.> <.< Woot *ish going to shut up now*
-SilentNocturne- Awe, he sounds cute!! ^^ -iP- I'm sowwies =[ That's my kitty, Fat Jamie. I think he looks like a Polar Bear/Seal, but I dunno why.
Ooh, I hated that >.> It was not fun. My cranium (dun ask, Shelby just said it XD) was so full, I'm pretty sure it imploded @.@
Yeh ^^ But I'm okay, thanks=]. Just talking on the phone to meh friend. What aboot joo?
I think he flew away, anywhoo. You know, his cape and vampirific abilities?
Hah, thankee ^^ She's a silly dog. Lot nicer than my other dog >.> You should do it, iP!
>.> <.< <.> >.< *pushes Vincent out the window*