Sure, anytime! ^_^
Here ya go!! *hands over giant plate of brownies* Yeah, she's right :D
^^;; Ironic, ne? Shoe Buddy ish a smart brownie!! [::] <--- That's him XD
I almost forgot to bother a friend of mine ^^
Yesh ^^ I do like Chili, as long as there isn't any meat in it >.> I almost forgot to do something...
-Shoe Buddy- That's good. That might work if you're lucky xP -khchick- Chili, eh? That's awesome!! And holy crackerjacks, Batman! We sure do post a lot >.>
You did?! Ooh, can I know? He did say he would... =)
*waves* Hi there! ^^ Yeah, Shoe Buddy ish here! *throws penguin shoe* I'm good, thank you. How ish you two?
Yeah, she might pop out of nowhere and throw a shoe at you. Oh, wait. That's me =D
I think my first CD was the self-titled Good Charlotte CD.
*waves* Bye, iP! Have fun at church =]
^^ Hey there, khchick!! How ish everyone?
Uhm... Okay~? ... Anyway.... O.o
Nuu, dun keel yerself DX
Ooh, yay! *goes to look at it*
Oh, bye then, Shoe Buddy!! Expect me to bug you tomorrow as well ^^
Nice! That's exactly what it was!! *hands over Pinata*
Yeah, I never get any more mature either ^^ So it's great!! And I agree with Shoe Buddy, khchick. He's right, ya know!! In other good news, it might storm!! :D Possible tornado as well.
That's great!! Shonen Jump ish a verrrry good t'ing *nod nod*
*throws confetti* I got chu a present~!!