Ooh, yummeh. It makes me wanna go eat a PopTart.
Welcome back, eastercat! Have a good shower? Dun worry, I won't eat you. Or bite you, for that matter ^^ Uhmm, not much, really =] *hugs Alex* Definitely.
>.> <.< <.> >.< Oh, yeah! Now I remember! I thought my name was Raine, how silly of me. ^,....,^ I'ma vampire!
Yesh, who ish this Macie of whom you speak?? ^^ Nahhhh, you isn't dumb!! But that's cool! I'm a big mixture of things, but I was born in America.
Yeah, pretty much!! We're going to take over the world
Me? I'm an Indianan >.> The Hoosier State, to put it simply. No way, I am too!!
Mmkay, eastercat!! We had snow days, too >.> We made one up on a holiday, and then we made the other up last Friday.
Yeah.. That could be it... Ooh, I have two here with me.
That's exactly what I was wondering last night >_>
Ohhh, sweet! We've been out for a while >.> It's kinda making me wanna go back.
Hm... So... When are you guys out of school?
Well, whether you pay attention to this or not, see you, iP.
^^ Yeah, he was sleeping all day!! So, you're leaving for good, iP?
Of course you are, Alex =) I did too <.> I can still remember it... Gah *clutches head* But I have to watch it on Saturdays with Jessica.
Oh, well... Yeah, there's that XD But I've been a bit more than usual lately...
Hey there, rachel! How are you? I dunno, he said one that can go out in the sun. I told him that's called "Half-Blooded." So then he declared me a Half-Blood ^^ Insane/Psychotic, I know, but it's me *shrugs*
Oh, speaking of which, how did that go for you, khchick?
*blinks* I'm uber borededness >.> Is anyone else? BTW, I'm a new breed of vampire :D