I'm going to go with the date, since I'd be quite the wh0re if I choose the opposing option In my pants, it would seem.
...How am I a megalomaniac? :\
This is what you get for defying Raptor Jesus.
I impatiently await this day. HN: Sure.
The irritation has become a marketing scheme...silly Japan...
*snerk* HN: Um, for what? :3
Hmm...judging by how annoying I find that marble in the drink I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not. :L
These are for you, Lith. ;o
Intarweb drama lol.
lol, Only threads that I've been previously involved in. :3
Nooooooo. I was biting my lip. Did I ever say Xaldin's lip? Honestly guys X3 Mish: awwwwww <3
It's Annexio, have you been reading her posts? *bites lip* >3>
Purple is super mod, red is normal mod. Lime color is forum helper.
Moot is the creator of 4chan. Allyson is a user on the site. She stripped for him in a private webcam session so he would let her be a mod on /i/ [4chan's oekaki drawing board]. She pretty much banned anyone who sage'd or insulted her drawings, so she got demoted. XD
Obviously The Fallen gave Deathspank sexual favors for temporary modship. :| Kind of like Allyson and moot >.> lol, jk XD
JUST AS PLANNED D: Edit: WTF I just noticed I made it look like it has rabies or something XD
You're a party pooper. D:
Scat is one of those things you regret knowing about. In the case of scat, your extremely virgin mind is a benefit.
You hurt his feelings D:
I did recently, but I broke it off due to their affairs with another girl at a recent school event. Well, it all depends on the context for me. I'll just say it involved scat and prego fetishes. DX No, I don't find my sig very disturbing. It's just kind of guro-esque, which isn't something I have issues with.