There are people with negative rep, so no you wouldn't be on it.
And I think run-on sentences are sexy and I are failure at grammar and and AND AND AND. Okay, I'm done being a grammar nazi.
Yeah, I didn't really think of that. He'd likely be expelled by now if it is true.
lol, Make that fifteen.
Some suicide bombers are of that age and even younger.
Yeah, that's also a problem for me. I have to take them off for my classes because they end up being way too invasive.
I'm a horrible hyper groomer. D: I totally massacre my nails with my onychophagia. So if I don't have something covering them, I unconsciously gnaw away. Mere polish doesn't stop me, so I kind of need incentive to stop myself. Why not that incentive be hardcore to the power of ten like whoa? :3
I lol'd at this. :| I'm so ******ed.
Of course they're fake. xp My aunt is a really crafty kind of person. She does a lot of different crap with acrylics so I can get her to make wierd nails like that for me. :L
Yeah, my won't either. Then again, I'm not actually *trying* very hard.
SPAGHETTIO'S Does that mean you're typing with one hand?
I corrected this post just because it was so damn ******ed looking. Are you like 8 or something? lol, when my friend starts speaking German I start speaking Japanese.
I should, but I've never really gotten around to it. I know I'd procrastinate horribly with updating it.
Me. I simply assumed so since you can't really give something that small a bath... No.
How the hell do you wash a tarantula?
Viz hasn't released any information on any of the VAs. Like it really matters, Viz gets all their people from a generic pool anyway. Maybe we should be happy it isn't Johnny Young Bosch. :\
Unfortunately D:
Yeah....I posted this a while ago in the DN thread. And yes, Light's voice is rape. Edit: crappy Youtube quality is craaaaapyyyyy. Here.