Sarcasm >>>>>>>>>> you
I highly doubt that. They'd likely enroll you in a selective school after the fourth time or so.
I like using etcetera dots....and saying good grief....I guess....good grief...good grief....GOOD GRIEF...GOOD GRIEF...GOOD GRIEF....GOARACKD GREIAKJOGTF :3
IMO all ten to twelve year olds should just not be allowed on the internet, unless they have proven themselves to know how to type correctly and act maturely, as ラクシーヌ has done. :\ You can tell I just don't care for children. >.>
Okay, why are so many people ******s about the concept of being emo? :\ *sigh* Anyway, My cousin's birthday was today. I stole his halloween costume from last year and dressed for the occasion. We also made him a kick arse cake. Well, it was mostly Keiko, because I fail hard at baking. 3:
It likely just means that the people who have been giving you rep don't have enough themselves for it to count. I think there is just a lot of people with that general number, because I have 19 and I'm on the third.
bLAEGGH I stole the pilot's notepad >:3 Is this more to your liking? Sorry for faggy tone differences. NOM NOM NOM P:
I'm eating bunnies right now.
Okay, you guys could probably tell, but I drew the foot on a seperate sheet of paper because I ran out of room on the original. I kind of lost that piece of paper. [lol] I'm out at the dropzone with my uncle and have like non available except for my binder, which is from what I can see completely full. One second, I'll edit the correction into this post when I find some >3>
Bioshock. Gawd, I love this game so much <3333~
Her foot does look small, doesn't it? I don't know, I think I drew it that way because I wear size 5.
As said earlier the face. You say it's the hair, but there still seems to be something peculiar about it. :\ Her hands are also kind of unnatural, they could be a tad less static. Her torso looks somewhat masculine and the transition from bust to ribcage is wierd because her breasts seem as though they're supposed to be defined by width, yet they lack volume appearance and seem high on the chest. The folds of the clothing too: Is her dress wet? It looks that way by how heavy the wrinkles are and how many of them are at the top. Clothing doesn't normally act that way, regardless of the fabric. Try to make a few wrinkles, but don't overdo it. Also, there's some stuff regarding them I'll post in the next section. I'm going to have to disagree on the coloring statements though. The main light source is obviously below her, but this isn't reflected anywhere in the picture. Her face, the clothing, her hair and virtually everything else shows direct light source. The wrinkles show shadows on the bottom, though logically if the light is being emitted from below her they should be on top. This also applies to the face. It appears that you did catch this with the eyelids, but since the light is so incredibly bright that it glares out her legs, I think the shadows that result on her face should be equally dramatic. The hair has random highlights in it. Evener tones will help keep it from looking tacky. And on a random note regarding clothing folds, if her clothes are so tight that whatever is blowing up her skirt is stopped at the hips, why are do they look so loose from that point on?
It's because of the ******ed pirate wannabee-ness that has taken place. :\
I quite like the first one as well. As you said, there are some proportion errors, but the style factor acts as a good mask. She also appears to have a little something extra in her pants. :X
I third this motion.
Well, of course. I mean this is a grunge drawing. Obligatory ampu-tan was almost required of me.
:3 Lithium ~ Nirvana X3 If someone doesn't quote this and post a song or artist involving someone's username, you guys all fail. D: ~I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends...
Whuuuuuut? Hmmmm? *tilts head* Sorry, could you speak a little louder? THAT'S JUST SILLINESS Lovely speech bubbles courtesy of Kristen.
People who make celebration threads for their post counts are wh0res. ;D