1409- bored.............
-pls read title- so how bout it, guys? who do u think ish the most popular non-mod member of khv?
twi pmed me today and yesterday. he sed he wash busy
wtf? how can that possibly happen?
Happy B-day KH-vids!!!! time does fly when ure having fun!!!!! *buys pizzas and ice cream* *gives both to all the members* wheeee!!!!!!!!!!
lolz! and for the record, i dunno y i came into this thread! ^_^
"oh," hk hears Zippeh's bump on the door. "did you hear that?", she said
"hey anniexo, do u think that there'll be more people comin, tonight?", hk said. she looked at foxxie, "oh, hey foxxie!", she looked back at anniexo, "is she okay?", she said
hey there, JustANobody! welcome to kh-vids! post a lot, spam a little and most of all, have fun!!!!!!!!!!
okei khgirl1 r u gonna be a reggy or a fave customer?
i kinda get it.....
omg! hahannuh u r bored! btw, lolz!!
woohooo!!!!!!! omg! that was so funny! lolnez!
hk sees anniexo and demitrix talking "hey anniexo, was up?", she said while going near the two.
yesh! my 1st son- Roxas (named after Dark Roxas :D) my 1st daughter - Namine my 2nd son- Sora my 2nd daughter- Kairi my 3rd son- Riku my 3rd daughter- Demyx (lolnez)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww! ure a killjoy and a joykiller!
ooh! ooh! *raises hand* i know who's Sorax's crush is! its..............
1317 yesh, that ish a lot of numbersh - do u want pizza, kairi007?
1315- wow! maybe that'll take us a year to finish this thread
lmfao! imagine ure playing sora in a gay form! whoa......creepy!