hk sees Xetir and walks toward him. "hey, Xetir, was up?", she asked
okei, i'll cheer you up! but first, what's the problem?
hk sees anime and dimetrix bump to each other. love at first sight, perhaps? (ooc: okay, xetir ure added!)
(ooc: Xetir are u gonna be a regular or a fave custoner?)
1491- yay i own the 1491th post!
1489- its 11:38 am where i am and i am shtill shleepy
(ooc: omg! anime ure 12? i'm 13!) "yay! fergilicious", hk said and began dancing.
"oooooooh! how about London Bridge by Fergie?", hk said
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! so many nominees!!!!!!!!! @_@ me ish gettin dizzy! okei i'll post the poll, later! i'm sorry if ure name doesen't appear in the poll.
1414- christmas break is here everybuddy!
okay, how many pipz left for poll slot *thinks* omg! only 10 slot left!
"i will sing hikari!" hk said to anime (ooc: omg!! im obsessed too! and guys i g2g its bedtime where im at!)
ooh ooh! i nominate rufus! keep the nominees comin!
1412 - 581 years before i wash born! ^_^ slap my face and call me weirdo!
this is only a nomination! i'll post a poll by friday or saturday to see who is the most popular! i nominate twilightsown!
"ooh! i see d karaoke machine, anime! its over there!", hk said to anime and points at that direction (ooc: yesh!aeris ish the kindest of us all!)
(ooc: nice idea, anime! i'll add one right now! *goes to the 1st post and edit*)
okei, dude/dudette just calm down! and flaming is a big no-no!
hk laughed too! "mmmf......mmmf.....mmmf muahahahahahahahaha! dimetrix's..hahahahaha...................dancing.......hahahaaha.....", she said while laughing so hard
GUYS! listen to Big Brother, okay?