*prays for dsl to come soon* nuuuuuuuu! twi is dead because of stupid dial-ups! *whacks dial-up* you'll pay for what you've done! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
people!! i need more votes especially for the 2nd placer *coughKairicough* and for the other members who doesen't have votes yet!!
i think we're puttin on dsl at my comp but the problem is i dunno when! T_T
don't worry he/she has got no votes yet! *sees LD closing in on twi* run!!! head to rufus's house! XD
NRA is still leading the poll! i voted for twi! *sees twi's stalker on the list* run, twi, run!
1648- i see spongebob doing something.............. nevermind!!!!!!!
so many anime stuff.... must grab one! jk!!!!!!!!
arrghhh!!!!!!!! i hate network dial-ups!!! because..... 1. they're slow and 2. is just so irritating! who agrees w/ me?
*sees Guxas' pix* ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! Guxas looks cute and happy! it looks like that's the happiest day of your life! Happy, happy, joy joy!
yesh i am lying!! just kidding! btw, ure welcome!
*sees Zippeh's pix* aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! ure so cute!
ooooooooh! Zippeh is cute!
so far.... NRA has the highest no. of votes rufus is on second place Kairi is on third place Darkandroid is on fourth place twilightsown, vincent and tallian ties is on fifth place Roxas_is_Hot and Rikku ties in sixth place and the others have no votes yet!
aaaaaawwwww! that's not the pic you showed me!!! btw, nice pic! ^_^
guys! i need more voters and pls post y u picked that member!!!
ooh... i wanna be Sakura from Cardcaptors!
an animeyish girl who is crazy in posting stuff!
thanks Axel!
hey there! welcome to kh-vids! post a lot, spam a little and most of all, have fun!
c'mon, Sorax! can u post another of yours?