hey there Gaiva! welcome to khv!! post a lot, spam a little and most of all, have fun!! ^_^
"skating rink, where?", hk asked to dimetrix
aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! make him stop!!
gah!!! *hears spongebob singing sanctuary* make him stop!
i see plankton and spongebob singing the "fun" song!
1731- u forgot to post the no, mr bob
i'm serious, hash anyone seen my hubby?
ooc: wat happened?
1729- its only 1 day before christmas where i'm at! :D
i see spongebob!
nope, i haven't seen her!
*agrees w/twi*
hahannuh hash returned!!!!!!! *does a happy dance*
1685- spammy ish fun!!
hope for the best and stay positive in life!
the nominees need more votes!!!
gah! no double poshting! do u wanna get a warning on ur first day here in khv?
hey there! welcome to kh-vids!! post a lot spam a little and HAVE FUN! (um... and double posting ish a big no-no)
hey there! welcome to kh-vids! ^_^ post a lot spam a little and have fun!!!!!!!
First Love- Utada Hikaru (call me an Utada Hikaru addict :D)