im going on vacation for a week...if the hotel has computer than i'll be on...if there arent any computers i guess i'll see everyone next week.
nice vid! i really like the music- it fits with the video timing.
wow... i only have 55 posts.
i dont know what difficulty it was on, i think it was normal. i have to try it on hard. :D
i like normal and final form.
...soul calibur 2? its fun but its a button masher. i beat the game 3 times using one button -.-
lol nice pic!
welcome to the forums! post alot and have fun!
i like asking questions no one can answer. what type of questions do you like to ask?
thnx for the help. i tried using blur and smudge but as you can see it didnt do too much.
thnx :D im not too good at drawing, this is probably one of the best pics ive done.
this is a pic i colored on gimp. its the first time i used it, so its not to good...
roflmao xD that video is funny but it can cause epileptic seizures.
"i'm kairi, and this is namine." kairi replied.
kairi walked over to a cabinet. she found some explosives and carried them back to where she and namine were sitting.
kairi ran into the science room. "sorry im late" she said through a mouthful of ice cream.
kairi pouted since she was losing. as the game finished, she noticed a freezer in the corner of her room. she walked over to open it. "SEA SALT ICE CREAM!!!"
kairi and namine were playing on the ps3. they forgot that they had science...
"oh well, i can deal with it for awhile." kairi said. she looked around the room. "look, we have a playstation 3!" she yelled and ran over to it.