perfect situation- weezer
...a site where i can upload pictures besides imageshack?
nice job! i like it.
over my head- sum 41
Simple and Clean-Utada Hiraku
Me&You-Fall Out Boy
i like it! nice job :)
you can create an account on the kh vids video portal or put them on youtube and post the links here this supposed to be a gay story? when axel starts talking about the song it really didnt fit in with the rest of the story. the beginning is good. nice start.
play video games, go on kh vids, sleep or have ice cream!
destiny islands because i like watching sunsets :)
Face Down- The red jumpsuit apparatus
i like it :)
welcome to kh vids! remember the rules, post alot and have fun. can a mod move this to the introduce yourself thread?
Breaking the habit- linkin park
good coloring
New Noise- Refused
to downlaod cutscenes from this site, go to the home page. on the side look for the links that say 'cutscences'. on the next page there will be the cutscences. they have download and stream next to them. click download and a window will pop up for the download page. scroll down until you see 'download' and click it. it will ask you if you want to save or open the file. save it and wait for it to download. then open movie maker and go to file - import. open the cutscene from where you saved it. to get music you can download it from iTunes or upload it from CDs. to import the music, go to file-import and pick the music you want from where it is saved.
??? im confused...
i'd like to see more worlds made by square, not disney. if the next game is a spin off and we dont play as sora then its really not a kingdom hearts game anymore, unless the knights are related to sora,kairi and riku. nomura said kingdom hearts is sora's story. if we play as knights then its really not sora's story anymore...