aliens could exist. i heard that scientists discovered an earth like planet in a new solar system. some may be intelligent.
i havent read the book. i've seen the movie though, its really scary.
welcome to kh vids! post alot and have fun.
Dinner is served- hans zimmer
:crybaby: -sniffles- bye:cryinganime: lol
thats why i never liked disney princesses. besides, kairi is a square character. she wasnt made by disney so maybe she will be different.
can i be kairi?
its good, but i cant see the text.
interesting theory. one of the best i've heard. but i dont think the keyblade wars happened when sora, kairi and riku were alive.
that happened to me alot.we had to get a new comp O_o
i would work there too! there could be people cosplaying as the characters and a ride that takes you thru the different worlds.
come sail away- eric cartman
bring kh to her house and play it. or go on the internet with a cell phone.
me &you in your pants... o_O
the background makes it hard to see the words. besides that, good job.
all to blame- sum 41
Sugar we're going down- fall out boy
Davy Jones- hans zimmer
i'll try all of them. thanks!