wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation...ng&qh=boost:popular+age_sigma:24h+age_scale:5
i guess you're right...
YAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
ok, i'll tell him that we think the forum is kinda dried up, and we would like to organize a party to try to bring it back.
what makes you think that?
i'll make it!!!!! should i pm xaldin about it?
we should make a new thread. maybe we can turn it into something really big! lets talk to the admins about it!
can i be on team kairi?
lol... i hear that he's going to unbanned. maybe so... a party sounds like fun! maybe we can talk to an admin or mod to plan one...
i wonder what we can do to bring it back...
it seems like this forum has dried up...
welcome to kh vids! remember the rules, post alot and have fun!
ooc: i havent been on for a few days, what did i miss?
aqua desummoned her keyblades and ran over to the boy who had fallen on the ground. "i knew something bad would happen tonight." she said to the other boy kneeling next to her.
aqua was staring at the keyblade on the stage. where did he get that? is he a wielder too? she thought to herself.
not specifically, im talking to anyone who's character has a keyblade and is in the festival.
aqua had found the other keyblade wielder. "you have a keyblade too?" she asked.
once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly everyone died. the end.
Dance Dance -Fall out boy
aqua had pushed her way through the crowd at the festival to the main event. oathkeeper and oblivion were still in her hands. as the announcer was opening the event, she noticed someone else in the crowd with a keyblade. she started making her way to the other keyblade wielder.