welcome to kh vids! remember the rules, post alot and have fun!
that reminds me of someone....Marluxia! riku doesnt seem like the type of person who would have a flower keyblade though.
here's my blooper! i had too much fun making this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3594113701850583192&hl=en
im probably going to buy it now.
if it was riku's why was it so girly? it had flowers on it.
"Roxas?" Aqua looked at her keyblades again. "oh well. What are we going to do now?"
"maybe we are all related to past keyblade wielders..." Aqua summoned oathkeeper and oblivion. "who had these keyblades before me?"
ahhhh!!!!!!! that is scary.... axel is on top of roxas!!!!!
hmmm... how about... The Atomic Sombreros
"Do you think the heartless have returned, and the keyblades chose new wielders?" Aqua said. "I dont understand why Riku was at the festival. It's been a century since he was alive..." She started looking nervously at the shadows.
people who do that have nothing better to do with thier time...
they werent making fun of kingdom hearts in that one...
:silence: i like all types of candy but my favorite is hersheys. anything with chocolate is good!
welcome to kh vids! remember the rules, post alot and have fun.
aqua walked over to the boy the group had found."im aqua." she said. after hestitaing a little, she decided to ask him..."Do you have a keyblade too?"
if you look in the credits, it lists the programs he used. that was a really wierd ending...
do you need one you can download?
Aqua sighed. She took one last look of twilight town. Then she stepped into the portal. She looked around and saw the group standing near a boy she never met before. "whats going on?"
its good! i really like the song, it fits the amv well.
"After what happened tonight, we decided it would be better if we go to another world. Its not safe here for us." Aqua looked around. "I live here too...i dont want to leave, but..." She smiled at Soku. "Dont worry, we'll come back here. I promise." She started to walk back to the portal. " Let's go, we have to get to Traverse Town!"