xemnas let go of chrystale and let sora and kairi have her !"here i'll keep larxene i'll be back for chrystale later"xemnas said walking towards the portal again
"you should know now how i was so mean to sora and roxas they probably never want to look at me again"naminé aid curling into a ball and layed down "but-"sora started "leave me alone you know you hate you know how much i made you cry you saw the look of enjoyment on my face you hate me"naminé said
larxenes back started to bleed and xemnas just laughed and pushed sora out of the way
"so things get out of hand again here i'll give you your memories back"naminé said rubbing things out "there happy now?"naminé said
"and why do that when i can just inside i wont feel the pain she will so i'll just take chrystae and go"xemnas said making a portal and appeared behind chrystale xemnas slumped chrystale onto his shoulder and made another portal
here you can just tell scary stories to try and scare people like this my freinds mom knew somebody who had just gone to the tolet one day and she heard a scraping so she locked the door then the scraping came from inside the cubical and the door was locked tight and couldnt be unlocked so she scraped the door with her finger nails when they found her she didnt have finger nails and there was blood all up the door and peices of finger nail on the floor
"we are not going exploring we are just going to go back to leon and aerith ok?"naminé said with a hand in her pocket the pocket she keeps her sketch book in
"all it takes is one second to kill larxene and without chrystale there is noone who can heal larxene this time its useless to resist either larxene joins her parents or larxene and chrystale join me twooptions"xemnas said bringing the sword closer to larxenes neck
"do you think he was a bad guy and had just tricked yuffie or maybe its not yuffie"sora suggested "not again"naminé said to herself
"listen they are my familly i can take care of them and i can take care of their freinds"xemnas said pointing the sword at kairi then pointed it at larxenes neck "move and she dies try to stop me i can make a portal so any vollunteirs to just let me take larxene and chrystale away?"xemnas asked menacingly
"i think the lovely couple got away from the meddling freinds do you think it was something i said?"naminé said
"how cute sora thinks larxene is doing this try xemnas possessing larxene anyway i'll leave you alone i just wanted to check on my neices anyway before i go" the xemnas/larxene said drawing a sword "maybe i'll get rid of chryst-NO! how nice larxene is trying to resist larxene quit it you are my host"xemnas said through larxene
"who are you!"naminé asked "i've never seen you in soras memorie"naminé said yuffie held the strangers hand and they dissappeared
"yes i thought so i felt happiness that didnt belong to me but somehow fammilliar"larxene said she suddeny went pupilless again and hit sora in the face "take that kayblade bearer now you woldnt want to destroy a freind would you a freind who is about to destroy you"larxene said laughing and cast thundaga on sora
yuffie ran and picked up the heartless that was attacking the others and it turned human "who is that?"sora asked finishing off the heartless
larxene went pupilless for another split second "guys did i by any chance laugh before i ended up n the floor and maybe say something?"larxene asked
"ok lets go"sora said opening the door as he naminé andyuffie walked out the door and lots of heartless appeared another appeared in front of them and started attacking them sora noticed yuffie was human "yuffie who is that?"sora asked yufie didnt answer just stood staring
"riku what are you talking about and why was i on the floor a second ago?"larxene asked
larxenes eyes were still pupilless larxene suddenly let out a big laugh and said "it works i can take control of her"larxene fell to the floor again and got up "whoa what happened?"
"well i guess if we could get rid of your somebody the heart would recognize you as the same person"larxene said