"thats ok"larxene said taking down her hood"i wasnt really upset about you kissing me it was just riku was there and he'd tell sora and sora could tell mst people soon xemnas would find out then he'd think you have a heart and you'd be in even more trouble than you are now"larxene said twiddling her thumbs
larxene put her head in the sink and took it back out and her hair had turned black "s-sora w-why did you do t-that?"larxene asked xemnas reached for the button but it popped of and he'd have to fix it before pushing it
"riku we dont need you go home!"larxene shouted opening a portal and sitted down around he corner riku walked through the portal and it closed behind him
larxenes hair suddenly caught fire and larxene ran around shouting "fire!" hey sora press the biuton that says do noy press it stops her breathing xemnas thought larxene opened a portal to xemnas' lab in the shadows where xemnas couldnt see it
"well actually it was larxene she thought you needed my help to defeat xemnas but i think you just think i'm a stupid bonehead because you have me mixed up with you"riku said "riku...will you just leave...him...alone"larxene said through gritted teeth
larxene suddenly started bleeding at her neck as though somebody had just slashed her with a knife thats it sora even though i was under the impression you were actually freinds with her and i wouldnt worry about chrystale either shes safe its larxene i dont need anymore press another button sora xemnas thought
larxene just pulled her hood over her face pretending it was so marly wouldnt do it again bt it was eally to stop everyone from seeing she was blushing "ha i knew it marluxia you love larxene but maybe i was wrong about her loving you"riku said
"i just hope sora really likes me there are probably lots of machines and objects that can be used to hurt me from inside wherever xemnas is"larxene said sora are you planning what i think your planning using things in this room to harm larxene go ahead xemnas thought
"um well he cant come out any worst than me"larxene said get out of my head! and i am not holding anything in my hands that could be anything like a voodoo doll of larxene xemnas thought
ooc- yea thats right "riku just find better way of making us hurry"larxene said "well ok but its true though isnt it?he does love you"rikusaid "riku he doesnt have a heart"larxene said "yeah but he has emotions doesnt he and the last time i checked love was an emotion"riku said
ooc-ok clay walked into temple "howdy guys what you all been doing?" clay asked
"look kairi if anyone can overcome xemnas its sora dont you trust him?"larxene asked
"he has to be stopped somehow maybe sora i have job for you"larxene said opening a portal to xemnas and pushed sora through if anyone could possess xemnas without fail it had to be sora
ashley just sat down and stared at a wall
"xemnas just laughed and i suddenly just flew out in this condition and did you notice the knives in my legs yeesh i wonder what happened"larxene said and suddenly went pupilless again "i would find it simple larxene i redirected you to chrystale and switched your body around then sent you back so now you saved chrystal from those injuries what a hero larxene"xemnas/larxene said and larxene returned to normal "what has he got against me and chrystale?"larxene asked
"ok i'm gonna try xemnas see you in a sec"larxene said maing a portal coming back a few secods later with a heart shape cut around where her heart should be it was definetly going to leave a scar she had also started changing colours
naminé finished adjusting the car and took it for a test drive
ooc- i do go to school on my B-day but hey i go up to cornwall for a weekend to celebrate it then woo
"i'm sorry if you want to try it against me i'm pretty sure i could let you"larxene said
ooc-i know especially the summer holidays are the worst sometimes i cant get out of my house because i'm doing everything wrong