"ok maybe i'll summon up some beserker nobodies just to encourage you"larxene said summoning nobodies "now use your darkness to defeaty them"
"if you mean it sounds like ding-dong i think somebodys at the door"larxene said hugging marly
"trust me sora adif kairi agrees trust kairi you CAN control the darkness you are the keyblade master the linkto everything"larxene said
larxene smiled in her sleep than woke upshe could have sworn she heard a noise "um marly do you have a doorbell?"larxene asked prodding him awake
"he said he was confused like the darkness had taken over so i told him to be like riku and use the dark to get back to the light"larxene said
"ok"larxene said opening a portal and pushed sora through larxene walked through and closed the portal
"oh ok then you know i'm tired"larxene said falling asleep on the sofa ok i'll see you tommorow then
"well that can easily be settled when riku gets back you can both give it all you've got against each other and please sora try not to kill me in the process"larxene said
"yeah so do you"larxene said "hey i know you said you cant portal in but there are some heartless that can get underground we could be attacked at anytime couldnt we?"larxene asked
larxene took off her cloak she was wearing a yellow T-shirt and some pink jeans "whoa i havent taken that thing off in a while"larxene said
larxene smled "hey are there any fruit bushes around here?because we could sta here all out lives safe from xemnas or anybody else unless they find some other way in"larxene said kissng marly on the lips
"oh really so thats why you beat him when he stole the keyblade you got it back with a wooden sword?"larxene asked
"thank you"larxene said walking in and pulling marly in afterwards "oh here are your keys back"larxene said giving marly the keys
"sora riku was more scared than you h was afraid of darkness ansem messed with the darkess in his heart and he used it to defeat all the people from the dark in his memories and destroyed them with the power of darkness surely you can do that"larxene said
"ok how about your house you said yourself you cant just portal in so nobody can get in that sounds pretty private"larxene said opening a portal
"well then i'm sorry to say this arly but..."larxene said in an aggressive voice "i love you to"larxene said softly
"use the dark to lead you back to light riku did it and found his way back to you"larxene said
"well lets make a start on what happened here my hair set on fire thats why it is now black but before that my neck was slitted"larxene said "anyway i beleive you sora"
larxene hugged him back "so does that mean that you really do love me?"larxene asked
"look that couldnt have happened your supposed to have taken over him if you hate me just say it i mean if darkness really ha take over you i dont think chrystale would be safe would she?"larxene said