namine talking to DiZ as she is takin away.
i have namine's chaining abilities!:p
that was axel talking to sora,donald and goofy.
im an eragon EXPERT. it was a quote by Saphira and Brom, but Brom said it first. NEW! "I'm not without fear" it was Audio Adrenaline-leaving 99 it goes like this
-_- i aint stupid.i know. another song! "leavin 99 leave all hope behind to find you"
its Mark Schultz! ok heres another one. "why has everyone been calling me "mother" lately?" Roxas from kh2 :P for anime's answer
its a "he" and khchick is bound to know this if she listens to christian radio its really easy actually. its Roxas, no?
"come as u are surrender your heart broken and beautiful" christian song
thats a good idea.... can we play?!
does anyone want anything?i can draw it and it will appear!
im gonna go change....*changes into org XIII cloak* is it?i want Namine's room to draw flowers in it!*finds Namine's notebook and draws a great blooming masterful room!!*
good. i hope it stays like that :p
i thought u were thinking like THAt.
ish bored...-.-
for AIR!sicco...>.>
u-ure w-welcome *gasps*
yes i did, youre right it wasnt as good! *gives Zexion's hair back with spell*
*black spell book comes to my hand and says a spell to summon Saphira to me!!!* Brisingr!
name:Ruxik age:16 number:13 gender:male weapon:the oblivion (sorry, it goes with the "short history" :P) relation:member #13 personality:dark.the rest is a mystery... apperance:black cloak orgXIII and and dark blue gloves short history: he was abandoned as a little boy and was taken in by king mickey.he was taught martial arts,swordsmanship and manga art.when he was 13 he obtained the mysterious keyblade, and fought many heartless and nobodies with his foster dad, Mickey. He met Sora at 14 in Hollow Bastion and at 15...his father, Mickey, passed away. He then set out in a royal gummi ship, looking for a way to reserrect his father. He then came across the "new Sora", the leader of org XIII and joined his forces as number XIII, for Sora promised he would help him find a way to resserect Mickey. is that okay? :P
yeah thats Zexy.whats everyone up to?im being my depressed self and Forsaken Sora,dont jke like that,im already heart broken >.>