hmmm...i wonder how u could put an "x" in michael...>.<" my brain hurts on the japenese and the "x" thing!help please?
hey kglory!^^ what up bro?
does anyone know how to say "michael" in japenese?
hi everyone!^^ how is everypeoples?
howd u make those?!O.O
this is really good!^^ i like it alot!
nothing, really,u?
oh yeah!im sorry,anniexo,i had forgotten :P
are you making another chapter?
hi guys!!!^^how is everyone?!
God made it.period.:P athiests,u can hate me if u want,but i belive there is a god
*catches gatorade,spins and throws back at DP*
*throws water bottle* heh heh!im dead, arent i?
hey animegirl ^^
sora,riku,and roxas and org. micky,all from kh2
its okay,did u get my question.
i dont know...XP i was asking mom if she could make me a PS kh wallpaper and im waiting for a responce :P
hi guys! hey mom, i just got my own user on my computer and i was wondering if u could make a kh photoshop wallpaper!king mickey and sora please. PLEASE AND THANK YOU!^^ hey everybodys and welcome TheOtherKeyblade, im a BOY :P some peoples mistake that sometimes :P,hows everyone?
alright,hang on,i still need a three soldiar pic,so anytime now :P khalidroxasnaruto:[/*IMG] ill resize it if u want i already made godsboy's
id have to say Axel