*goes after NED with a keyblade and a good thing of welsh magic!* DYFRU!(water) *splashes Ned* whrew!(ice) *freezez NED*
your name is michelle,right sorafan?
you wanna see my Guardian Form NED? then we can fight to see which ones stronger! *goes guardian with red eyes,black shirt and pants, long, shaggy, black hair, with two keyblades and two of vincent's guns* how do ya like me now?!
its michelle,no?
i like to SPAM!!!!! sdlgh;dfkjgh;sekjrhpgiahpriughfak jwnbfkavhwpieutpawnhqtowiu WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but this is real,the spam and the sorry she just needs to SEE the sorry
oh yeah! but seriously....SHE??!?!?!HOW CAN U THINK THAT IM A GiRL?!!?!?!IM STILL AN OBNOXIOUS BOY!!!!!!!!NOT GONNA CHANGE!!
she?SHE?! SHE!?IM A BOY!!!!!>< the reason why is because i thought that kglory saw the thread riskown posted,but he didnt
i wish i could beleive that, axel and, look at kglory's greeting and youl know it, riku sora kairi own put my name on a thread, EVERYONE LOOX AT IT
that damn risk own put my name on this forum!i cant have people calling me by my real name!
u saw it didnt you?=.= im leaving this forum.
hi guys, im so full of guilt,I'm thinking Anniexo hates me now,T-T
u know what im talking about,i just wanted to apologize so, sorry for---you know
bye bye!!ill miss ya
ummm okay....whatever might as well...when? HEEEEELLLLLLOOOO???
it has,hasnt it?
yeah, i know too, ive known her more than anyone in this family, shes a zexy freak XD HI PEOPLES
i agree w/ arrow head over here,its fun to make avis,espesially with gimp,or you could just erase the arms.
hello PEOPLES!!!
wow, thats harsh,im sorry about your cats,do have any others?
hey guys!!!im learning the language "welsh" from gharanth!!!ufel=fire!!!caddug=darkness!!!