*hawk nelson walks in* O.O OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey, your name is...Sora Lexa,right?wanna sing "bring 'em out?" O.O *silently starts music* ALL THE BOYS AND THE GIRLS AND PEOPLE MAKIN NOISES LET ME HEAR YOU SHOUT BRING 'EM OUT! BRING 'EM OUT!
YO, Toby!wanna sing made to love? i was made to love u i was made to find u i was made just for u made to adore u i was made to love and be loved by you!!
WTH?!ummm...*loox at blade going through heart then coughs more blood up XD*
-coughs up blood- i-i was saving k-kglory, but jesus got to him before m-me and i-i ended up c-c-completely w-wounded...
*before you're hit I run in the way and get stabbed in the heart* eh heh...*raises a thumb then drops on the sword's blade and dies*
caddok.(darkness) *puts DP in the realm of Darkness*
ahhh but i know your weakness!
UFEL!(fire)*makes fire wall* you're dead, sephiroth, heh Dyfru!(water) *splashes sephy* whrew!(ice) *freezez sephy then charges and slices throgh the ice-through sephiroth*
ignorent fool *grabs keyblade out of sephiroth's back summons my dragon, Mawredd* KILL HIM!!!! *tears sephiroth limb from limb*
*charges at sephiroth* DIE!!!*flashes behind him and stabs him in the back,leaving a bloody hole in his back and heart* whew,that was fun XD
i mean anyone who attacks Zexy dies
just so u dont forget
then do it now XD
everything in the room taller than me is up,sadly, kglory XD
put him on your ignore list, remember?
*darkness comes from sky and hits me* dont touch him...
im great!!! youre not on yahoo or MSN, i noticed XD
*sneax up on hisnobody*...*hugs swiftly* hi hisnobody,and everyone else!!
*closes eyes, then sighs, then a sudden white light comes onto me* ANGEL FORM!(sweet! i got a new form!!) YOU'RE DEAD!cadduk!(darkness)*blasts through oblivion,shattering the opening* UFEL!(fire) *sets bald men on fire then stabs through NED*how do u like me now?*UFELCADDUK!(DARKFIRE!)*sets marly on fire then loses conciousness,but then,it starts snowing*
*charges at NED* UFEL!(fire) *blows on Marluxia then charges NED with Omnislash*ceddyl and targed!(sword((could be horse XD)) and sheild)come!