Well, I have to do my homework...WHO CARES? >D *goes to watch* ...This is weird... o.o Okay, the last few were very weird. I don't like Kaname....
We might've talked a few times. ^^
I just started to watch Vampire Knight again... Oh...my....gosh. That's all I have to say after watching episode 5. O_O
I am boooored. D:
Thanks. <3 I didn't realize my friend took it until my friend showed me. Aw, thanks. <3 That's pretty cool. I used to knit, but I stopped for some reason. No problem. ^^
Unwinding Cable Car ~ Anberlin
You are so pretty. I love your hat, btw. How long did it take to make it? http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=456&pictureid=3011 Taken during photography class. I was trying to hide behind my friend. Trying, but not succeeding. http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=456&pictureid=3012 This was taken at a friend's birthday party. I know the quality is horrible, but I love this picture.
Well, I think when you were on the site was khchick55. You probably don't remember, but I just remember seeing your drawings a lot. I'm doing...
Eh, I don't know. Maybe. Oh.
*get champagne* Nothing much; just trying to find a new avatar. You?
Well, as long as you're happy with it, I'm happy. =D
Once again, welcome back to the site. How are you?
Awesomeness! I'm so proud. x3
How are you? We haven't talked in what seems like ages.
At least you got a better score than Paige. That's all that matters.
Apparently, the last quiz was hard. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=0812051701195757&a=1&
Like I said, you did fine, I highly doubt you failed. You have to tell me when you get back on how you did. Oh, and since so many people...
I'm sure you did fine. 8D Can't wait 'til you find out.
Carol of the Bells ~ Trans Siberian Orchestra feat. Metallica
Ah, I see.