Yay for random guesses! Can you pray for me?
Ugh, school. I hate it as well. xD Well, I'm mad at one of my friend's because she's mad at me because a guy she likes likes me. >_> Yeah, I hate...
Prepare to be scared. xD http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/khchick55/creepymark2.jpg Well, that's good. I'm glad you had a great time....
xD Oh, and my friend and I were arguing about who Yuki deserves...again. xD Oh, really? Well, he should go kick her. It was mean of her to push...
...dang. Maybe I can find the answer in the cheat book from the original game. *goes to find it*
But I have 20+ cards...but I can see what you're getting to. Heh, I only have one. ._. So, wait, what's so special about a platinum card? I was...
Uh...I don't remember since the last time I played it was last night and I wasn't really playing attention to the leveling. I'm thinking about...
Yeah, I know. I come so close to beating him then BAM! I get hit by some unseen attack, it's horrible. D:
lol, I still haven't beaten the Trickster and I'm only on the third level. I know, I stink. xD
Neither do I, actually. I just texted my friend about ten minutes ago if I had to go. xD So, how was your day?
If it's all of my blood, it's bad. If it's just a little, then...well, I don't know exactly. Just try to not walk as much as tomorrow and try not...
The ceiling. Nah, there's nothing new over here. What about you?
*pokes* Hello.
Yes, yes he is. 8D Ouch, just lie down and put some ice on that bruise for about ten-twenty minutes. Seriously, I hope that gets better. I had...
Intermission to the Moon ~ A Dream to Late
I know! My friend and I were talking on the bus the other day about VK. Note: I haven't watched VK since episode 3 when we had this conversation....
I watched episode 9 at around 6. I am not a fan of the KanamaxYuuki pairing. That's just wrong in my opinion. I don't care if it's a pureblood...
The Fight ~ The Classic Crime
Christmas Shoes ~ FM Static
Hey~! How was your trip? 8D