Sounds like a senior at my school. xD
Yeah, but we'd be better if we had more practice. My friend is trying to get me a solo for my school's spring concert. I'm just like "Okay,...
I guess so. xD
The Last Night ~ Skillet LOVE.THIS.SONG. <3
No prob. =D
All righ, I'll pray for you. <3
Yeah, he is. I don't want to do it, but I have to...
I hope so. Mark's nervous because he has to play the drums, but he isnt' a drummer. xD He's playing two instruments and he's singing a verse for a...
Nothing new here. Just sort of stressing over the Christmas Together my youth group is having Sunday night. I'm singing. ._.
Yup. xD So, anything new?
So do I. ...and I love being random. 8D And what's even funnier is that I can just see him come up to me and randomly say "Sausages" with a...
Yeah, that's what I liked about it. Heh, he almost made me choke a few seconds ago. 8D He sent me an email with the title "Random Word of the...
Why I would be upset? Like I said, I don't want to be in a relationship, he doesn't want to be in a relationship, so what's the point? It's not...
Love Addict ~ Family Force 5
My day was fine. Mark and I talked, and he doesn't want to be in a relationship. And to tell you the truth, neither do I. Like he said, it could...
My Freedom ~ Krystal Meyers
Everything is all right now, so that's a plus.
I hope you get better. <3
Who doesn't? xD
I'm doing okay.