lol well yup its alot of work indeed ^^
yeah i think i found out which one ^^
well it means that Roxas has the its own moveset and Wisdoms status so it can revert back well the code should and just use the PJ Roxas code and change the universal Characters modes from Soras to Limit well DW Roxas moveset doesn't do much except making characters do their finisher when pressing Square so yeah and also the code for DW Sora and DW Anti have been released but they arent in this section check the Video Wherehouse for those codes an as for the roxas code you are asking which one is it when you fight the Boss (Roxas)?? and well jokering commands can be taught and i think they are in this site but well dont know anymore then that yeah sure......
hmm well don't know and also kk show me a clip of it
yeah and we have none
hmm well to tell you the truth i don't know what you have modded in this code since i cant understand this code and also about the DW Roxas...
lol no prob and kk tell me the result
hmm file for what?
yup i know and i tried and well the code which gave him a new moove is a sub status mod of his to make him have limits sub status BUT it doesnt do any good for me since he has the same old movese and also the reason he doesn't jump is because the ability high jump is equiped un equip that to make him jump
lol well yeah except that XD
lol well i think i already found the problem here try using this code: 40340C9C 00130001 10100400 00000000 201A723C 00000000 01CB974C 00000001...
well the Sub-status code
well yeah it is
well yup Emuhast is better and also the code just makes Jack T-stance
hmm kk and also why not just use Emuhaste instead of patching??
well open PS2Dis an drag the file on PS2Dis and file will open
well yeah then thats your ELF file and also what do you need to do with the ELF file??
yup theres gotta be a way to fix this
there should by is there a file name "SLPS_251.98" without the quotes there??
well giving DW Roxas final moveset will make the shield dissapear since Shield Mods DW Roxas arms and when you gvie him Finals moveset he get Finals arms so yeah the shield will dissapear well actually the characters without a health bar also have moveset what was the whole code you used?? well yeah here: 2032e028 ZZXXYYVV ZZ=Defense XX=Magic YY=Strength VV=AP well just fill them up with the digits you want it to be at so yeah