If I didn't find that bunny so dame cute....I would sware I was insane....
*thinks to self* Her jedi mind tricks are starting to get to me.
Lo seinto...I'm immune to that trick.
You kill people?! interesting...
Then that would be a few less irrogant people in the world.
Normal is just how you make it for youself.
Don't we all.....*sigh* I haven't been on one in forever....stupid life....xD
I feel like I'm back in english.........>.>
What???? I didn't understand the statement.
That man was falunting a Night Class uniform in front of me....what was I supposed to do?
Nah, not today. I already smacked him on the face and broke his desk in half.
That buffoon of a man....he makes my blood pressure sky rocket.
Yeah, but maybe one day he will come around....now where is Kaname..I want to yell at someone.
He is a creep...but unfortunatly he thinks I hated him....if he actually knew the truth.....*sigh*
If you want to talk to some my I suggest my little brother?
It isn't only cause of the blood thing....it is.......arghhh...I don't have to explain myself.
Shush, just cause I don't want to admitt my feels doesn't mean you can tease me. ;____;
Cause I'm a one man party and Yuki understands me and appreciate it, even if I'm too stubborn to admitt it. And Headmaster Cross.....well.....he is a gluttony for punishment.
xP, not cool.
Hello burnitup.