They would wake up.
They think they are normal?
Well lucky I'm not most people.
Isn't that how it is supposed to work.
I just let the road take me places xD.
It was...I don't even remember why I was there.
No...just one game....but it felt like an etenatie.
I only know this cause I had the misfortune of watching a session of golf....afterwords I procceded to rub sand in my eyes to take my mind off the pain of golf.
I never understood golf....mostly the whole two finger clap......weird.....
Okay just really rick white folk.
I just imagine like 10 old geezers wanted to play golf longer..and came up with the crack pot idea of daylight savings time.
That would actually not surprise me at all.
*shrugs* You guess is as good as mine.
I guess for the crops..I don't know....I think it was stupid to begin with.
Apperntally the farmers did at one point in time.
I don't know..something about we don't need it anymore...:/
As of 08 we don't have to worry about daylight savings time.
I think...
No, next year I think it falls on a saturday.
My b-day is this thrusday :/