>.> I'm funny....kinda....sorta....in a me sort of way.
It is, but it is funny to a lot of people. I make my own comedy.
It is a trap.
I know I would xD.
So you can completely use that arm now.
Darn...well that sucks. I would itch the hell out of it.
Were you able to scratch the heck out of it?
It is going okay...kinda. I'm just a little tired though.
Hello xiegin.
Sunadokei... No, that doesn't mean I speak in elipices :/
I don't, I just like to say I do.
A waste and I have other important things to do.
Yep, and those supplementry classes aren't helping.
Yeah, I didn't sleep much last night.
*Yawn* Hello Kika.
I'm here, but I'm half asleep.
Never fails to try to make a move :/
That he really likes flower metaphors?
>.> And I'm two minds on that.