Exactly, and people wonder why we are starting to become mostly cruel in nature. I know what a "death match" is but I don't think I have heard of "the death match"
No, I don't think you are awful to think that. Cause the sad truth is that people can be more cruel then any devil you can think of, but just as long as you can hold on to one memory of the good in people....I have to remind myself frequently.
But in their minds that is not how they see things. To them they aren't animals and the animals don't deserve the same treatment as another person....but more than likely if they start hurting animals it isn't long before they turn to people next.
Cause the enviroment that people grow up in, if you are in a "stable" enviroment then the chances of animal cruelty are low. But if you come from a messed up form of life when....well you are more likely to take out your feelings on animals. Mostly do to the perception that you are above the animal.
1)Well in a sense you can say that haha 2)What are we taking about that I need to think of?
I'm feeling....alive tonight....haha.
Walking, waiting, alone without a cure.
Yeah it is much more eye friendly now.
It is taking about Roxas and such...I think...I'm not too sure
Not unless you quote it or highlight it.
It is like they are trying to cleanse my soul.
Nice! I bet your arm feels better getting some fresh air on it now.
I'll say, hows it going?
Yeah, I had to edit my sig a little and change my avatar.
It is so bright......@___@
Cause you are supposed to eat it...not snort it.
Flying numbers?! Sorry, I stand corrected. This is what happens you when you give kids bad patches of LSD.
This what happens when you give kids bad hemp.......
That...or I'm a brillant master mind...who name is Vincent.