Your neck, inbetween your biceps, and the middle of your thighs. Unless they want to you die a slow death, it would be more practical to go for the head or heart.
=/ No, not really. Unless they hit a major artery.
That is why you take it out...or else you could die of lead poisoning.
Sure.....if they hit you fatelly.....but uselly you can only came to have sharpnel in like a random part of your body.
Sharpnel is metal logged into your stings no matter what.
Why is every one so gloom and doom =/ Sharpnel isn't so bad =/ It just stings like hell.
My life is glamour and fortune.
Yes, cause everyone in a bar carries a gun on I have two on me right now.
I want to get into one bar fight in every country.... Ireland is going to be fun then =3
The Bourne Identity, Supremecy, Ultimatum.
I'm going to Jason Bourne my way into countries.
Ah, I see you are a lone wolf mcquad.
=/ Like you would actually invite me.
Well I guess Romaina isn't sooo bad.. But the bordering countries around Russia....ummm yeah I'll pass.
I hate High School Musical cause it is just becoming another misplaced market eating of peoples money. I think I wouldn't go to Romania......unless you want a disease.
You'll meet a lot of people here. Just remember the rules and such. Welcome.
I never really understood why people just hate certain conutries....=/ Never made sense to me.
I would like to meet someone who doesn't like australia.
Who doesn't like Atustralia? Yes, that is what it means.
It is an expression.