That was the best chapter ending in fanfic history. LMAO. Seriously xDDD.
I would love to be an animal that flies. Possibly a bat. I don't remember the name of it, but I saw a type of fruit bat on TV that was like, over two feet tall or something <3. Otherwise, a cat ^^. They're so awesome.
I find this so funny. They should know it stands for French Connection United Kingdom, not some misspelling of the word ****. The dress codes are ridiculous. At my brother's high school; You can only wear red, white, blue, or khaki. (School colors x.X) You can't wear ANY logos whatsoever, he got dresscoded for wearing a white T-shirt with a tiny red Nintendo logo on it. x.x NO JEANS. They might as well have a uniform.
Yeah, that's 'cause the camera flash xD @Axbell; Thank you x3 And that's cool, you have a black cat named Luna xD.
No wai. It should be held in Vegas, on top of the Stratosphere >3 And we can push eachother off the edge =3 It will be so much fuun.
Quite unlike you... j/k xD In my opinion, Intelligence can be smartness, quick-wittedness, good lateral thinking, creativity, or basically anything that uses the mind to solve problems, whether it be everyday problems, mathematics at shchool, or even finding a way to get your family out of a burning home.
By b& do you mean banned? In this case, at least twice.
You may have forgotten, they already do. That's right, everyone, watch what you type, the Secret service is reading. ANYWAI, Yeah, there's already a law against this. Harassment is illegal. Cyber bullying = Harassment. And those neighbors were parents themselves. They apparantly did it just to see what happens when you mess with people online like that.
Okay... This time it's not just my feet. Kitty's name is Luna, and yes, that is a GIR blanket =D
OOC: xD I haven't been on much because of school, and those stupid semester exams. x.x
I think Kairi only had a Keyblade in KH2 so she wasn't just that one girl you have to rescue. She doesn't have any "skills", she just swung it around =/ Square could have done better.
I agree with what Muffin and Sorax said. They'd have the same voice actors, because the voice actors grow with the characters. I want to know what their voices will sound like in BBS =D
... Wow o.o Yes, you are a fantastic multitasker. You should get an award. >.>
I obsess over Art. Writing, drawing, music, etc.
O.O I thought I was the only one with an Orange flavored fridge. =P
Opening Credits: Linkin Park -- Faint Remix Waking Up: Panic! at the Disco -- Time to Dance First Day At School: Linkin Park -- High Voltage Falling In Love: Fall Out Boy -- Dance, Dance Fight Song: Thousand Foot Krutch -- Move Breaking Up: Boys Like Girls -- Learning to Fall Prom: Korn -- Evolution (wtf xD) Mental Breakdown: Linkin Park -- Runaway (o.o) Driving: Korn -- Innocent Bystander High school flashback: My Chemical Romance -- Teenagers (LMAO) Flashback: Three Days Grace -- Gone Forever Getting Back Together: Boys Like Girls -- Hero/Heroine Birth of Child: Rise Against -- Prayer of the Refugee Wedding: Paramore -- Misery Business (wtf?) Final Battle: Linkin Park -- A Place for my Head Death Scene: The Used -- The Bird and the Worm Funeral Song: My Chemical Romance -- Dead! End Credits: My Chemical Romance -- Famous Last Words (omfg xDD) Okay, so I used my project playlist, does that count? Some of these are pretty ironic; lol, end credits Famous Last Words. xD
Oh. Poor moogles D=
QFT... The original version of that song is really good D=.
OOC: Wtf...?
OOC: lawl. Xin is in the darkness where she can hear what's going on in the throne room, like she did when I first started the RP, Xadyn is where Larxene, Reixa, Cepxis, and May are, and Xangel is in the lab. xD