OOC: Hey, *TN*, would you be able to play Nymph of Destiny's roles while she's gone?
Jack Thompson needs to read this. I've learned much from video games myself, actually. I would have known to do that, but he did it so perfectly. o.o Wow.
yeah, I agree. I have an open mind about this, and as one of those people who lives every second like II might die the next, almost constantly think about this. My basic explanation is that everything just ends... but there are so many more things to think of.. Something I'd just like to say; I'm not afraid of death. I don't want to suffer in life, and I don't want anyone else to, either, so I don't deliberatly do stuff that might get me killed.
"Not that your new friend's going to let you believe this, but you saved me once. I'm returning the favor." She spun the weapon in her left hand around anxiously; it was almost unnoticably floating directly next to her hand. She grabbed it out of the air. "Xangel, you have to remember something..." She didn't want to have to use force (on Xangel, she would have gladly beat the **** out of Zexion), but it looked like she would.
I'm sorry. =\ If I ever get around to writing a KH-Vids story, you won't be paired with any of them in it =3.
"Empowering all students to achieve success" They repeat it every day x.x Elemenatry schools: "Learn together, Laugh together" Worst. School. Evar. "Sail*Soar*Succeed" (There shoud be a comment here. There isn't. Too bad.) And my other elementary schools didn't have mottos.
@Laurence_Fox; I did too... *runs* I love not being in these =3. Seriously, I'm liek the only one in this thread who wasn't in it. lmao xD. I lol'd so hard at the Kairi Namine part xDDD
2/10. I don't see it.
OOC: omfg. Deathsight, this is the most ******ed plot add-on evar. And somehow I'm laughing. >>; (hey, how many of you can say your cat is in a "I can has cheezburgur" image?)
35334 Pssh, pluto is so overrated. I live in the asteroid belt =p In all reality, I live in Vegas. Don't stalk me.
I wouldn't have to do anything, my cat would have probably clawed you away by then. =D
Xinaram appeared in front of Xangel and Zexion. "I'm hoping you both remember me?" She said, summoning her weapons.
OOC: wtf >>; FireKeyblade, I'll reply tomorrow, promise. I'm just kinda stressed due to fuxing evil semester exams of dewm.
OOC: ... LMAO. xDDD Does anyone know what I'm supposed to respond to x.x
No... She was online the other day though.
Any local bookstores should have them.
Not really. I like the glitch in KH1 when you go back to Destiny Islands at the end of the game, though.
My brother does all the time >>;
My style is more like Riku's. I hold it in one hand, but I don't hold it like he does.