Amazing. I learned something new. I don't think my city does paper routes though xD someone drives through town at like 3:00 AM and throws papers at everyone's driveways. That's about it. I would if I could though x3. LMFAO.
I would, but I feel bad enough asking for lunch money; they're always talking about barely paying the bills and stuff like that >.< The only income I have is $50 every birthday and Christmas from my grandparents. o.o; @Mish; Ugh, paper rounds are liek so 30 years ago.>>;
How are we supposed to get money; gum isn't free you know. Neither is rock candy. >.<
omfg. >>; Go off and get a job secretly, that's what I would do.(and I'm 12 too) Ironically there's an Ace Hardware store and a pet groomer right next to my neighborhood. o.o.
>>; KH2 is practically all storyline, hardly any gameplay.
L.M.A.O. Go to your local Disneyland, and go around asking all the people in costumes if they've seen a kid with spiky brown hair. Or if that's not possible, go around your neighborhood and ask people if they've seen you.Act like you're really worried and stuff. x3
OOC: I want the Mac Book Air, but that's not going to happen ;-; Sorry I haven't been on; between my brother going crazy, spending more time with rl friends, andtrying to do better in school, I haven't been able to. I'm so late I don't know how to reply >>;
Inb4lock. lolololol *Brick'd* Is it even getting locked?
Inb4lock.. I thought we were just not allowed to ASK for it. 23 points here. Oh look, CtR.
Epic phail.
Good luck with that.
*goes to check* Nope, he's 18. Edit: I just realized something. Roxas is 18, Cin is 19, and Vivi's 20 o.o.
Sora vs Link o.o Lloyd(Tales of Symphonia) vs. Riku.
So liek, if 21 is nonexistent, who's 22?
And that's one mare phail for redsonic! Shall he ever give up?! and how do you get your IP to be Naruto0389 xD?
I want to draw a few scenes from this. Like when Coco is waking Sammy up. x3 Edit: @Vivi; I was thinking the same thing o.o;
>> << Light = <3 *hides*
Not me. I'm too young =3.
Wtf. </3 I see it more as a full name; ex. "Amber D. Slovick." but it could seem like that at first glance o.o. Anywai; I think it should be .○.~Kookie Kween~.○.