Lulz, it was a joke. It doesn't say that in reality. (Does anyone else get the feeling that heavenandhell is just here to advertise...?)
OOC: I got a Death Note messenger bag. It has Light and L on the flap and the Death Note logo on the top x3 But I'm afraid if I wear it to school I'll get suspended or something because it's an adult anime and just the words, "Death Note". xD Like the kid who got suspended for bringing one to school. I'm waiting for Chula to post x3
"Oh." Light said simply. So now there was Another Shinigami in the Human world? Great, another complication.
Hey. Welcome to KH-Vids. The code vault is the place the coders go to talk about coding. Hacking the ames using ARmax, GameShark, etc. Read the rules, make sure you only advertise for your story in your sig. Me: RobynFave color: Red Fave music: System of a Down Fave animal: Cat Fave game charachter: I'm not a fangirl. Country: USA Hobbies: Pshh, who need's hobbies? Pets: a cat, a dog, and a ton of fish. Age: 12 1/2
Hey. Welcome, read the rules, etc, you've heard it a hundred times. Have fun.
"Who?" Light asked. Was there someone-or thing- Ryuk had spotted? OOC: I think Sora should be the one to pick it up, I don't know what Demyx would do with it and it'd be interesting to see what Sora and Riku would do if Sora picked it up and showed it to him. Demyx might take one look at it, drop it, and run away or something x3
OOC: And I thought there couldn't be anymore schemes going on xDDD. I want to write a Battle Royale story including people I know, but I'm afraid if anyone sees it, they'll think it's a hitlist -.- So it would have to be about made up people, or people I don't know IRL. And the latter would be copying Roxas, so I can't >.< It's the only idea I have right now x3.
Sweet =3 Mountain Dew ftw?
OOC: Lulz ^^ I dun want this thread to die... >>;
omfg xDDD The Big. Red. Button. I was afraid at first I thought some dumb scary-as-hell face was going to come up. Lulz.
Rockstar- Nickelback Sleep -- MCR
Phail. Who the fux doesn't?
You only just realized that? Wow.
It really helps that I just broke up with my boyfriend... ;-; God. Single's awareness day?
Epic Phail. -1 for reviving a thread. -1 also for bad grammar/spelling. And total off topic ness.
Well, scince I'm single now... *Eats chips and plays music*
ORLY? Fillerzz
Your IQ Is 105 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Exceptional A Quick and Dirty IQ Test If I'm below average, I'd like to see average, I think a lot more logically than others at my age >>;
Light and Sora plzthx o.o I was going to write a crossover fanfic like this, but it was going to be solely in the KH world xD.
OOC: Who wan's to come with me and hide in the sky! xD sorry, it's from a song. (U-Fig, by System of a Down, if you're wondering...) IC: "Nothing new," he responded. "You?" He was going to ask her if she had seen the girl Max mentioned, but he decided he didn't have enough information about her. (He really only knew that she was a girl that controlled light.)