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  1. Near
    'You don't remember... it's Xinaram, or, Xin. You were my friend. I have the ability to speak telepathicly, you do too... incase you forgot." she explained.
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near

    An apology

    Aw, it sucks that Vivi and Cin are both banned.

    This forum is going to be awfully dull for a while...
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Near
    Xin stood in the darkness, she had got there just in time to hear what was happening. They really were replacing Axel. She agreed, it wasn't right.
    It would be even harder to get Xangel back now.
    'Xangel, do you remember me...?' she asked telepathically.

    OOC: Anyone forget thay can do that? xD
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near
    'I did sense someone at the castle right before I left...' he thought, 'maybe that's who he's takling about...'
    "Okay then. Thank you." he said quickly, before portalling off.
    He appeared on the roof of the castle, where he stood for a few seconds before sensing the 16 year old's presence. Opening a Corridor of Darkness, he steped through it to end up in the location of the girl. As he got there he drew his sword, seeing Larxene there as well.
    "Hello," he said simply.
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
    @DarkKnight36; For that to work, they'd need to have a group of experienced Role-Players willing to spend their time working with the new ones. I don't think that would work out too well, but it is a good idea.

    And I didn't put, "No godmodding or power playing" in my thread, I thought most people would have realized that godmodding is bad... xD

    @CtR; Couldn't you just put it in the rules thread or anounce it over the RP arena? xD
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near
    OOC:It is Dx.

    Xadyn thought about it for a moment. 'It would work... but even the smallest mistake could get us trapped forever...'
    "Where is this girl?" he asked.

    OOC: Wtf is with all of these short posts? xDD
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near
    OOC: Being sick is NOT fun >.<

    I can hardly get on Kh-vids without getting a headache. And scince my desktop wallpape is animated, it gives me a headache, too Dx.
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near
    "So what is it?" he asked.

    OOC: The above post is the shortest post I've ever written. o.o

    I feel honored that your diabolical plots may include one of my characters. *bows*

    ...Lawl New death note episode. WATCH IT.
    Post by: Near, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near
    "Being in the Realm of Darkness is not the same thing as being dead. The darkness is a place, Max. When you're dead... you're just... dead." Xadyn responded.
    "There has to be some way to get out of there, Abexecca and Xandlei(sp lawl?) did."

    OOC: I know =/.
    Post by: Near, Jan 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near
    OOC: Yeah, I knew,but he already broke through it once in Twilight Town.

    and, ZOMG, it's TwilightNight!

    "What does that have to do with anything..?" he questioned. He had no idea what Max was planning, for all he knew, Axel might even be in Traverse Town....
    Post by: Near, Jan 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near
    Wow GX, your room looks exactly like mine. o.o not what's in it, but like the walls and the closet and door are exactly where the ones in my room are.
    Post by: Near, Jan 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Near
    OOC: lawl. x3 The whole forum has just been one big database error since yesterday Dx

    I can't believe I can't sleep over at my friend's house just bacause her other friend's parents don't like me.

    IC: "Because, if the other Organization has Axel , they're not going to need Xangel. You've heard what's going on, right?" he responded.
    Post by: Near, Jan 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near
    OOC: Moogles count as people, don't they? God! *Brick'd*

    IC: Xadyn turned around to face Max.
    "I need your help. Your ability is darkness, so I assume you're able to get to the Realm of Darkness. Would you be able to get Axel back from there?
    Post by: Near, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near
    Xadyn portalled to Traverse Town, not so surprised at what Max had done to it. Black roses were scattered everywhere; people with bizzare, glowing eyes walked the roads.
    "Max!" he called, "I know you're here!"

    OOC: I hope that counts as a paragragh. If not... *Hides from CtR*
    Post by: Near, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near
    Hey, if there is so much opposision, why is this still a sticky?

    Although I don't see why this is so wrong xDD
    Post by: Near, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near
    Yeah, they suck.

    The few posts I can write during a writer's block suck even more though.xD
    Post by: Near, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home