Oh god this was hilarious. Especially the Anon part. I found the lack of proper punctuation distracting though o.o (I'd like to make it clear that I do not have anything against Anon.)
Ditto. That's so weird though xD
I say we shouldn't D= J/k x3, I can't really think of any colors other than green that wouldn't get her mixed up with mods/adminz. Lime green ftw?
Shinigami-ismn sux =D
xDDD LMFAO. Win. I don't understand how people don't grasp the concept that this is a gag gift. They mean it as a joke, not as a con. Anyone should be able to see that. (They say it on every page of their site.) I wonder if there's a site that actually sells it as a con xP.
Thank you for stating the very obvious! Congratulations, you phail! =D
"Just be careful. Remember that this is only practice.", she responded. "Ready whenever you are."
Zach heard a yell down the street from where he was. He ran to the source, noticing a guy limping away from two men who didn't seem too happy with each other. "Hey, what's going on?" he asked, not to anyone in particular, casually walking around the two until he was a moderate distance between them and the injured man. Zach looked over his shoulder at the man when he suddenly collapsed, and rushed over to him, reaching out a hand to help him up.
A little late ^^; but could I join? Name: Zach Shiome Age:16 Job/School: Unemployed, and out of school. Class: Somewhere between Medium and Higher. Appearance: 5'9", light skintone. Dark blue, almost violet-blue eyes. Light brown hair a little longer than average, and a bit messy. Wears a sweatshirt about the same color as his eyes most of the time, with faded black jeans. Underneath the sweatshirt is a black long sleeved shirt with a light blue T-shirt over it. He carries a sword with a brilliant white sheath with silver accents and a dark and light blue pattened handle wherever he goes. Bio: He loves to help people and make new friends, and is pretty popular. He likes to practice swordfighting and is pretty good for his age. History: He ran away from his home when the war started, narrowly avoiding the bloodloss. He found himself in a faraway village, where he lived for around nine years, learning necesary skills like cooking and fighting, before he returned to help rebuild his former home. He has been looking for his parents since he returned, but has had no luck. He lives with a rather wealthy man by the name of Robert (Minor character), who lost his wife and daughter, who was around Zach's age, in the war. Other: He seems to have a strange ability to heal those in need, without noticing. He brushes it off as a coincidence. Played By: CarbuncleGem
I didn't forget them, it takes place on Destiny Islands AFTER KH2. So no Organization, and no DN characters o.o. Unless they move to Destiny Islands or something.
Sora lay on his back in the white sand of the beach, the soft waves tickling his shoes as he stared up to the vast blue sky. Although it was rather early in the afternoon, the clouds on the horizon were turning light shades of pink, like cotton candy, while the others were pure white, like cotton. Something unexpected caught the corner of his eye, and as he looked over, he saw what seemed to be a small black notebook. He got up and raced over to it. Reaching down, he picked it up with his right hand, tracing over the odd letters on the cover with his left. "Death note?" he muttered, reading it. He gently opened the cover and read what would seem to be a table of contents at first glance. 'The person who's name is written in this notebook shall die.... Wait, what?' "This has to be some kind of joke!" A few seconds later, he heard rapid footsteps behind him and turned to see Riku aproching him. Sora did the best he could to hide the book, but his efforts failed. "Hey, I could hear you yell from across the island." Riku said. Sora hadn't realized how loud he was. "Oh, uh, sorry..." he apologized, swiping the notebook behind his back. "You know I saw that," Riku coommented. "What...?" Sora handed his friend the book, who flipped it open and read the first page, just as he had done. "This... has to be some kind of joke..." _______________________________ Okay, there's the story. In a nutshell; Sora finds a Death Note and shows it to Riku. What happens next? Join and find out! Before joining, read all of the rules and FOLLOW THEM. (Pay close attention to #7. One liners=Not tolerated.)If you fail to follow the rules, I'll kick you out. Oh look, the RULES. -List of characters- Sora- Riku- CarbuncleGem Kairi- SoraNRikuNkairi Tidus- Wakka- Selphie- Shinigami- This takes place on Destiny Islands AFTER KH2, so no Organization XIII (No matter what), or Death Note characters unless you can find a creative way to get them in the story. If you believed I missed anyone, or want an OC, please PM me.
You suck for putting secret messages in your posts in white text. GOD THAT'S ANNOYING. D< j/k
This thread screams two things; FLAME WAR, and EPIC PHAIL. But since Cin started it, I guess I'll participate. You're so horrible, I can't find words to describe it.
OOC: Sorry, I gotta go. See ya in a few hours?
"Thanks. Come on," she said, opening a portal. Stepping through it, she saw a clearing in the forest outside the castle. The ground was mainly covered in soil, but patches of grass could be seen scattered around. She summoned her weapons and ran to the far side of the field, waiting paitiently for Xioimara.
"Oh, I tryed to save Xangel... but, I failed..." She didn't like to say it, but unfortunatly it was the truth. "So, you said you were bored, you want to practice fighting?" she asked. She hadn't practiced in a long time, which might have been the reason she was losing so much. OOC: Xangel ran away from that last battle xD She didn't just lose.
Xin walked silently through the hall, dissapointed of her failed attempt at saving her friend. She stopped, seeing a girl seemingly equally depressed with her back against the wall. "You're Xioimara, right..? What's wrong?"
OOC: Hey ChocoKitten, where is she right now? If you make her like, in a hallway or something, Xin could find her.
Excuse me.... WWHHHOOOOOAAAA. Awesome. I actually remember the third one, but not the others. We need like, an archive of past layouts o.o Kinda off topic, but... Anyone remember the CoM one that we had in the style switcher for like two days before the new layout came? xD