I could really go for some watermelon right about now. To bad it's out of season...
フ...フフフ Only names are in English, but if you would like me to call you Princess, I will happily do such.
Dame Old-man, anata wa tomeru!
Alright, I guess I'll try it out. Old-Man orokana desu. Watashi wa fu 'Otaku'. :| I may be getting some of this wrong.
odoroki... ooku no muchi.
So yo uso zenbu uso tabun ne・・・fufufu BEFRIEND'D
Yes you would~ Because at that time the ID was released, it was short, and the effects where minimal, but it served its perpois. Therer would be bad results if it where to be released again though, thus why you have not joined the invasion. I can dance the Hare Hare Yukai, but I am terrible slow jumping bandwagons, maybe for the best? Is Haruhi worth watching, or can I mark it off my to-do list?
Agreed. Yea, right after the show got canceled, because then nobody knew what he was up to, therefore winning = easy Now now, no need for that, after all if you actually where here for the Neuro invasion, this would be so much easier and you would 95% chance have Neuro in your sig right this moment.
kan i haz put u in BOXEZ nao plz?
im in ur visitor messages, leaving BOXEZ [IMG]
Pfft, like hell you are.
That makes me sad Old Man ;~;
Come on, all the cool people are doing it, there are already 6 people in on this~!
But...but... D: It's NEURO, and he's INVADING. Like Zim but he's actually getting somewhere with the invasion.
D:< Why not?
So? will you put him in your sig?
Yes, it is. He can't help it though, it's just what he does.
He may or may not eat your head. It's just a warning.
Come on BB, please?
We should try to get this going fourm wide, now THAT would be amazing.