Ah, well that makes sence I suppose, I'm still called Kika from my name before.
That works as well. Yea, I'm terrible lazy so I just put whatever is short, people would understand who it is, and fits when typing someones username. >_<
Vex: Sounds interesting, I wouldn't mind learning a bit more. I fail at backgrounds and landscapes, but Drawing characters is something I could do. Near: >_< Oh well... donate it to an electronics thrift shop?
I hate things like that -__- On the plus side though, you could give it away to a cousin or someone you don't particularitly like.
Sounds like on of those games that is a classic killer and should have never existed.
XD Yea, that part is great. Good thing I didn't get it then >_<
Neuro's opposite huh? Hmm... That's a though one, I guess that would be somewhat Yako though.
I specifically remember some of the slides that you get to go down. Those where so fun~ Ugh, that is was, I heard it was bad before I tried it out, so I went to see a few clips of it and wow, it did not look good.
By tradition, every year I have to play though all of them...or at least the good ones >_< Any after the first three kinda...well, they suck. e_e I'm still gonna see what the third LoS one is like, actually fighting with another dragon sounds kinda cool. D: I lost the origional third one though, Year of the Dragon, it's sad because I haven't played in in at least 5 years ;~; I really want to...
To bad, I really like the effect on it. I'm so lame, I played the first Spyro today and beat it in 3 hours 12 minutes, my fastest ever. Ahahaha... OTL >_<;
Here's a few tips: 1:Make sure you have EVERYTHING layed out, that you have the plot and all that thought up and written down, otherwise it will be easy for it to die. Trust me, out of all the times I started without the full plan, 100% of the time I just kinda gave up on it. 2:Set a deadline for each page to be done, if you're on a deadline, you will be more likely to finish. 3:Keep it simple, to much detail can hold you back a bit, wait until you have actually finished at least one manga (so you know you can actually finish) to try adding a little more details. You're way of colouring is interesting, it's cool to see WIPs of things people are working on, some ways are so far from the way I colour it amazes me how anybody can colour like that. I hope to see the finished product soon. ^_^ Also the coloured picture in your sig, how do you colour it to look like water colours? it's a nice effect.
Any specifics on who he should be annoying, or just whoever comes to mind first? Anyone else have some random thing they want me to draw?
I already drew pretty much the same thing, just with a few character changes, but okay.
Ngh... free requests anyone? I have nothing better to do than draw at the moment. I can scan and colour things tomorrow or the day after. I'll draw almost anything....almost.
Ugh, that's not fun.
That it does, that it does. I feel like colouring, but not something new... I also feel very hyper, calm, bored, and content all at the same time, wtf?
It is a freeze that is anti of itself. Therefore it is anti-freeze.
I'm dumb and fell asleep weird in a chair, then all day I have had my head bend down drawing because my stuff was on a table (normally I have it in my lap or something) I'm not so smart at times, my brain just seems to stop working now and again.
I prefer anti-freeze though D:
Yes, she is. :D Johnathan Coulton is also the best songwriter who has a song that is the ending of a game.