Nah, that was all just the first things that came to mind, only a few things dare actual quotes.
Onions taste better than I thought. I'm a failure as a gamer. Well I need to go do stuffs nao...but you know I would rather just type random crap. Zetsubou sensei: ZETSUBOUHSITAAAAAA!!!!!!! Neuro: That's what sensei said Yako: The mudere is....ANATA Random badguy from some anime I can't remember: NANIIII??????? Random personwalking down the street: WHAT THE F- BOOOOOM K1: I DUNNO WHAT IS GOING ON D: Higurashi Rena: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A waffle: stfu Rena! Star Ocean Rena: What?! Claude: THE SPRITE OF ME LOOKS LIKE I'M WEARING A SPEEDO OVER MY PANTS Frog: Claud hoppers~ Claude: ..... Packman: YAY FOOD Yako: OH LOOK, A PIE Packman: OMFG IT'S WORSE THAN THOSE GHOASTS Companion Cube: Was that a HL:FLC reference Turret: I SEE YOUUUUUU Girl with tourette syndrome: LOL I SHOUT OUT RANDOM CRAP AT RANDOM TIMES Rika: MY SYNDROME IS BETTER THAN URS Winry: Anything you can do I can do better Ed: No you can't! Edward Cullen: lol wat? *sparkle* 3 blind mice: AHHHHH EVEN OUT BLIND EYES BURN FROM THE SPARCKLESSSSSS!!!!!! L: BANG BANG BANG! Fangirls: OMFG YOU KILLED EDWARD! *tears* Neuro: 7 WEAPONS FOR THE DEAMON KING: WINGS OF TORTURE~! Fangirls: IF WE WHEREN'T SO OCCIPIED OVER EDWARDS DEATH WE SHOULD PROBABLY BE RUNNING RIGHT NOW Mentos commercial voice guy: OH YEA! Koolaid Man: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THAT'S MY LINE BISH! And that kids, is why you never do drugs.
Alright, have fun and see ya later.
...I'll just go back to chewing on cardboard then.
I for sure will keep in this, and it's good to hear that the members are focused and will stay with the game, usually the team is the biggest setback of making a game if they can't keep up and work on it. Alright, I'm still waiting for the reply from that one parson, and if I find anymore people, I will also ask them.
That would be really great to keep working on things like that :) Edit: I may have found someone to help sprite, I'm not sure yet, but I'll ask if they maybe interested in helping.
Tastes like apple juice. Now being sick, THAT doesn't sound very good.
And I wasn't being drunk off juice. Inscents make me hyper, and I'm eating cardboard. YAY.
No need to be rude nao :\
Aww, thank you so much, and it's alright, you don't have to subscribe me for a whole 12 months, it seems like a bit much, I mean I'm only drawing stuff for the game.
Exactly. Hmm... I need to practice poses more, or at least full body ones, I've been neglecting drawing legs. >_<
Higher, I missed you~!
That's good, practicing poses really helps, and poses can make a drawing look so much more alive. :3
Vex: Awww, thank you so much! I believe the simplest way is to log into an account and on the artist's page you want to give the subscription to and click 'donate subscription' I'm pretty sure you can do it with paypal.
Vex: Would you really do that? I believe the 3 month one was $10.10 Canadian. Rainbow~~ Hello ^_^
Awesome, I would love to see it after you finish. ^_^ I've just been drawing random stuff, trying out new colouring styles.
Flame: Well at least you have a few more options then. Alright, here it is~ I would be willing to help you out as much as I can if you would like. As an artist and a person, I take it on as my responsibility to help where and when I can, especially when it comes to art because I'm better at that than most things. Vex: I would have to agree, artists, or anyone from any type of thing helping eachother and teaching eachother seems like the best way to get better and learn more. It's also just fun to hage out with people of the same interests/hobbies.
It says at the end, but I guess I'll tell you again. It's 'I Can Walk On Water, I Can Fly' by Basshunter
^_^ so what's new with you?
Right, I forgot about that. That sounds fun...and reminds me I need to try and learn how to play guitar >_< my sister left hers here when she moved to go to university, so I've been meaning to try and learn some things. To lazy to go to actual lessons though.