ooc:we're all in TWTNW you're there too,
ooc: good roxus is here, we could end it today raxen regained his weapons and caught onto kadaj's with them he pulled it out of his hands them teleported if front of him and grabbed him by his neck, he was choking, but yazoo shot off at Raxen and hit his hand
well the priest hasn't been decided yet, so sure I'll dicuss it with naruto098
ooc: fine, i'll let you be in you're original form, but ONLY for pete and malificent don't mess with sora or the others
thx guys, really, Xiron, could you be my best man?
Nobodies surrounding poured out towards the keyblade bearers and towards the hearts floating towards kingdom hearts, they keep them busy long enough. Raxen slashed down at kadaj, but he caught it inbetween his sword and took it from his hand, once out of his hand Raxen shot out lasers that impaled kadaj's leg
cool i can do it on the random thread? ok but i need goimez's permission
Raxen charged for kadaj, he would get rid of them first before destroying sora, his weapon shot out and sliced across his arm
i did?,...........................................huh, hey then where can i have a wedding done?
cool! hey weddings threads are allowed right
........................... i knew you'd say something like that
because i did this lol crabs
oww..................*grabs cricket bat and hits LKX back* that hurt!
i agree, it was fun in kh1 but it got crappy in kh2 with that stupid singing game
...................*slaps LKX with broken off arm*
as long as you pay for it all
*ded*...........*rises back as zombie*