ooc: okay you're ded, we'll just ignore you now Raxen got out his weapons and shot the first one out towards Sora who deflected it "gonna hafta try better than that" he mocked
what? ........... .......... .///////////////////////// . sadsjahljh dfa sdfd a'ds fd sdf sda fsa ds d ds as sd sd ds ds ds sd ds d dsd as f 'f sd as s fdg g ag fg g are teg eqq'
ooc: Kairi,....GIRL FIGHT!
"hey guys" Quid said with Rix and Hana behind him, "where have you been?"
"that is quite enough relix: Raxen's weapons extended and impaled relix, multiple times
*repeats above action*
ooc: *raxen turns relix into dusk again* Raxen raised his arms aand energy swirled around kingdom hearts, just then it burst into millions of hearts that started floating down, it started to rain and joined the hearts falling down " now it will END!" Raxen closed his eyes and energy swirled around him
where'd all these new smileys come from?
"it all ends Raxen" sora shouted, at this the lsser nobodies flew wildly in the air, crazy with anticipation
"it shall end here, kingdom hearts is now giving hearts to nobodies, my new world will soon be realized" Raxen glanced over to Roxus "poor Roxus, you won't exist long enough to recieve your heart back"
mr.clean, no competition lol.........j/k....................just kidding!
finally ot was just Raxen and Kadaj Raxen blew him away after he tried stabbing his arm the Raxen's weapon went and started to wrap around kadaj, until he was trapped, Raxen took his other sword and shot it out, impaling kadaj, then returning through to ensure his demise. "sorry for the interruption" Raxen spoke to sora as the lesser nobodies flew to the outside region of the platform
it's over which inspector gadget movie was better,..........the 1st one i say *shoots rollxen*
i know i'll take care of- WHOEVER RAISES THEIR HAND FIRST DEALS WITH HIM *raises hand*
ooc: relix, didn't i say ONLY PETE AND MALIFICENT?
......................PIZZA PARTY!!!!!!!!!! *dances*
kadaj grabbed his blade just in time to deflect Raxen's he charged towards him and stabbed Raxen's arm as a trickle of blood slipped down his blade actrually you should go help him against nobodies
how about colors?
booyah!!!!!!, so the wedding might be near thursday, i'll tell you guys the official date later