ooc: okay roxus needs to recieve his heart, he'll need to be complete
"yeah, i can't stand big crowds, let get somewhere else" Quid said going for the bailey
Quid walked throughout the stores, and brought back some ice cream "here"
O_O......................*blinks* YOU RULE MAN THANK YOU!!!
well it doesn't matter, it was fun fighting it too, so since the keyhole is sealed, wanna explore the town?
Raxen and Sora were both slashing away like crazy, all hits met their destination as raxen tore through sora's clothes and sora broke away pieces of armor
well Rix called it a nobody" does that help?
Quid thought about it, "it was all white, with a zipped mouth, and it semed like it wanted to tell us something, but it still attacked us"
Raxen was a safe distance from sora and was using his space powers to teleport his hands to sora and attck him out of different portals, but sor grabbed onto one and was transported to Raxen where he hit him and broke off a part off his chest plate
"we saw this weird monster, strangely, it didn't act like a heartless" Quid said looking at his keyblade
"i missed you" Quid said kissing Naomi
hey i'm getting married
"hey!" Quid went and hugged Naomi
ooc: what did you do?
Quid looked over at Cloud and Natalie, "man she manages to get into fights more often than me........" he thought about Naomi, "maybe i should see if shes okay"
"he's been disposed of Raxen said as one of his weapons extended over to attack him as his other weapon went against sora winding and curling wildly in the air like a snake
raxen the teleported in front of sora, grabbed him by the chest and threw him up in the air, he then tried several attemps to teleport near him and attack, getting only 1 or 2 hits in then sora hit Raxen across the chest, making a big cut in his armor
gummi ship, but there's a portal that might transport you there at the islands
how come you aren't at hollow bastion?
"well,........have you seen Naomi?" Quid asked